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Rxg7, Queen takes Rook, Bxf7
Queen goes to f7: Kxe7, Kxg7
Queen goes to g8: Kxd8, Kxe7, Kxg7
Queen goes to h7: Kxe7, Kxg7
Bishop takes h6 and if black bishop takes its mate in 1 but if it doesn't take and play another move then rook takes bishop kh8 and quen b8 mate
1. Qd8+ Kh7 2. Rxg7+ Kxg7 3. Bf6+ Kf7 4. Qe7+ Kg8 5. Qg7#
Depending on where the king moves white can mate even faster
Edit: This line is actually +M6 if played perfectly, i think u need to play Rxg7+ on the first move for +M5.
1. Rxg7+ Kxg7 2. Bf6+ Kg8 3. Qd8+ Kf7 4. Qe7+ Kg8 5. Qg7#
Move the queen to d9
And then he sacrifices the ROOOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!